• Reality Check,  Uncategorized

    Tik Tok…BOOM

    January 10th, 2020 was a Friday. Two days before I had posted my FIRST video to a social media app called Tik Tok. For those who don’t know, Tik Tok is a video-sharing social network where users (primarily adolescents) share short form (15 – 60 second) videos typically lip syncing and dancing to popular music. I had decided to join Tik Tok so that I could reach more adolescents with messages about their health and wellness than I was able to reach on my other social media platforms.  Back to Friday – 1/10/2020. I arrived early to work with an idea for a couple of videos that I wanted to…

  • Wellness

    Be a Flu Fighter

    As a pediatrician, one of my most important jobs is preventing illness in my patients – and one of the most effective tools that I have at my disposal to perform that job is vaccination. Every year at this time, I feel like a broken record: “Did you get your flu vaccine yet?” “It’s that time of year for your flu vaccine!” “You’re not sure about the flu vaccine? Let’s talk about some reasons why I strongly urge you to get your child vaccinated.” I could go on…but I won’t. If you’ve ever wondered WHY your pediatrician seems so “pushy” about the flu vaccine this time of year, here are…